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The new Sony Core, a small stick that will fit in wrist-wear like the Sony SmartBand, acts as a fitness tracker but also branches out into life logging.oakley sunglasses for cheap We’d have preferred clear tear-off lugs, though, rather than black ones, as they did catch our eye from time-to-time, but we soon got used to them. The property is valued at $470. So a call to the Oakley Uber-man Steve Blick revealed that there was to be a strictly limited run - although he'd be able to sort me a pair. It shouldn't be too hard a sell – Tifosi claim their glasses are up there with the likes of Oakley and Rudy Project in terms of optical clarity and materials technology, but by slashing the amount spent on marketing, they're able to sell them at much lower prices. [oakley sunglasses price] Oakley's Radars are available with three different-sized interchangeable lenses – the Paths have the smallest – and with numerous frame and lens combos.
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