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From the results of the vote, we'll then be taking a film crew out to film each of the top three to show them in all their epic glory.oakley junior sunglasses' The site features a selection of accessories for women and men, including sunglasses, handbags, shoes eyewear and small leather goods, as well as cosmetics and fragrances from the Tom Ford Beauty line. The partnership advances an effort already underway at Google to make Glass more appealing. Nowadays, glasses are global phenomenon – a reflection of both function and fashion. If your budget is tight, the base model with black frame and smoke lens comes in cheaper than the fluoroPhotoclear version we tested, but we think the Photoclear lens is the best option. [oakley on sale sunglasses] The company has announced a partnership with Luxottica, the eyewear manufacturer behind a host of brands including Ray-Ban and Oakley, to design and produce an exclusive collection of eyeglass frames that incorporate the technology.
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