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It's a great shape, like a cross between a Heater and a Sweep lens, it also features Oakley's Hydrophobic coating to repel water, which does seem to work but you do find yourself wiping the lens as much as any other glass, as it's the contaminants that dry on the lens that hinders the view salt etc.where are oakley sunglasses made As expected, the site also captures the sleek, sexy aesthetic of the designer through the product images. The green color is inspired by Oakley’s first goggle, the O Frame MX, which was introduced in 1980. On occasion, they’ve come across dead pregnant women. “But we do now have a benchmark,” Neiheisel said. [oakley sunglass for women] days when I'm overly optimistic about the weather and forego that extra layer, only to soon regret that decision.

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